Herbal Sauna
Temperature: 60°C
Humidity: 40%
Recommended time in sauna: up to 20min (depending on the subjective feeling)
The herbal sauna with the scent of organic oils represents the ideal combination of a tropical climate with aromatic scents for a complete relaxation effect. The recommended time of stay is longer than staying in a dry Finnish sauna and depends on the subjective feeling of the user.
Boravkom u sauni se organizam oslobađa od štetnih materija i toksina, jača imunološki sistem, opušta telo od napetosti i stresa, otvaraju se pore i omogućava da se lakše otklone izumrele ćelije.
Sauna povoljno deluje kod problema sa respiratornim sistemom, kao što su bronhitis, astma (izuzev akutnih asmatskih problem) i kod alergija. Takođe, poboljšava prokrvljenost disajnih puteva.
Kako bi se postigao maksimalan efekat i poboljšao rad kardiovaskularnog sistema preporučuje se kombinacija sa hladnim tušem.
Povoljno deluje na reumatska oboljenja, smanjuje ukočenost zglobova, i sl.
Naročito je pogodna kod oporavka nakon različitih sportskih aktivnosti, jer dolazi do opuštanja mišića.
Pozitivno deluje i u borbi kod problema spavanja i osećaja depresije i anksioznosti.
Staying in the sauna eliminates harmful substances and toxins from the body, strengthens the immune system, relaxes the body from tension and stress, opens the pores and allows dead cells to be removed more easily. It also improves blood flow to the airways.
The sauna has a beneficial effect on problems with the respiratory system, such as bronchitis, asthma (except for acute asthmatic problems) and allergies. A positive effect is also achieved in rheumatic diseases and similar ailments. It is especially suitable for recovery after sports activities and in the fight against sleep deprivation and feelings of depression and anxiety.
In order to achieve the maximum effect and improve the work of the cardiovascular system, it is recommended to use the sauna in combination with a cold shower.
Chronic diseases, acute infectious diseases, high temperature, infectious skin diseases, thrombosis, embolism, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, kidney diseases, angina pectoris, myocarditis and other serious heart diseases, injuries, malignant diseases, pregnancy, implants and more.
Recommendations of ZONE Private Health Club:
– It is recommended to shower with warm water before entering the sauna
– Before going to the sauna, you should not drink alcoholic beverages, enter on a full stomach nor hungry because it puts a strain on the blood flow
– Before going to the sauna, it is recommended to warm up with stretching exercises
– It is mandatory to use a towel when using the sauna
– It is recommended to start by lying/sitting on lower levels so that the body can gradually get used to the higher temperature on higher seating
– Avoid frequently pouring water on the stones without first consulting the staff
– Between using the sauna, it is obligatory to take a break and rest for at least 20 minutes while drinking plenty of fluids (water or herbal tea) in order to compensate for fluid loss
– In order to achieve a better effect on the cardiovascular system, it is recommended to shower with cold water after staying in the sauna
– After completing the procedure, 20 to 30 minutes of relaxation is recommended
– Not recommended after depilation because skin irritation may occur