Temperature: 43-46°C
Humidity: 100%
Recommended time in sauna: 5-20min (depending on the subjective feeling)
A hammam, also known as a steam or Turkish bath, is a type of sauna with high air humidity (100%). The Turkish bath is mostly used for cleansing (detoxification) of the body, for relieving tension, gaining new strength, as well as for improving general physical and mental well-being. It is especially recommended for respiratory infections, asthma, breathing problems and similar.
Due to the high humidity inside the room, hammam is only entered in a bathing suit.
Naročito se preporučuje kod RESPIRATORNIH OBOLJENJA, i to: bronhijalne astme, bronhitisa, problema gornjih disajnih puteva, kašlja, promuklosti, iskašljavanja.
Dodatno otvara sinuse i produbljuje disanje.
Pomaže kod potpunog opuštanja mišića i zglobova, što je naročito pogodno kod vežbača i sportista, te oporavka od jakog treninga, smanjuje napetost i svakodnevni stres, a takođe, utiče na opšte psihofizičko blagostanje.
Eliminiše toksine iz organizma, otvara pore, čineći kožu zdravom, glatkom i nežnom.
U kombinaciji sa različitim vrstama pilinga ostvaruje maksimalan efekat po zdravlje čitavog organizma.
Zajedno sa zdravom ishranom i planom i programom vežbi, podstiče sagorevanje kalorija i višak masti iz organizma.
Especially recommended for respiratory diseases such as: bronchial asthma, bronchitis, problems of the upper respiratory tract, cough, hoarseness and expectoration. Additionally, it opens the sinuses and deepens breathing.
It helps with the complete relaxation of muscles and joints, which is suitable for fitness exercisers and athletes as a recovery from hard training. It reduces tension and everyday stress, and also affects general psychophysical well-being.
It eliminates toxins from the body, opens the pores, making the skin healthy, smooth and tender. In combination with different types of peeling, it gives the maximum effect on the health of the entire organism. Together with a healthy diet and exercise plan, it promotes the burning of calories and excess fat from the body.
Due to the high humidity and temperature, there is a risk of dehydration, which is why it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids (preferably water) and stay no longer than 15 to 20 minutes.
With certain health conditions of individuals, the use of a hammam (steam bath) is not recommended without a doctor’s approval. These conditions include: pregnancy, heart diseases, very low/high blood pressure, epilepsy, diabetes, kidney disease, oncological and malignant diseases, serious skin diseases, high fever and viral diseases.
Recommendations of ZONE Private Health Club:
– It is recommended to use hammam (steam room) only in a bathing suit
– Showering is necessary before and after use
– Drink plenty of fluids (ideally water)
– It is preferable to enter a pool with cold water or, if possible, to go out into the cold air
– The cooling phase is followed by a phase of relaxation, rest and regeneration in a zone adapted to this, such as warm loungers (tepidariums). In this phase, consumption of fresh fruits, teas, water and natural juices is recommended.
– Rest should last at least 15 minutes